This is typically something that comes with time. 9 possible reasons why, 10 spiritual meanings of yawning you need to know about, What is a spiritual journey? So if youre tired of wondering about whether youre from this planet or not, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. The main traits of Arcturian Starseeds: Deeply drawn to the night sky, astronomy, and astrology; Very opinionated; Interested in building, planning, and designing; More likely to have synesthesia; Possess strong memories; Extremely sensitive to sounds, lights, and other sensations; A definition from a shamans perspective, 10 possible reasons youre dreaming of another man sexually, 16 meanings of teeth falling out in a dream (spiritual + symbolism). Lyran Starseeds may have many lovers because they enjoy the physical experiences of love but have a hard time committing to one relationship. Previously, we discussed all of the Starseeds, their different origins, traits, and characteristics, and their missions here on Earth. Although Arcturus is an angelic realm, it can also be a place for the rebirthing of souls, auras, and other etheric forms. Arcturian starseed. Arcturians are inventive and scientific, but theyre also very good at taking the long view. DRACONIAN STARSEED TRAITS AND SIGNS 1. If you havent heard of Psychic Source before, its a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations. If they choose not to lead, they still guide humanity through inventions and changes to the status quo. This is especially true if you share some of the traits common to all varieties of Starseed, like: Trouble with low energy people, places, and problems. * A spiritual connection with animals and plants. The Arcturians embody wisdom, knowledge and teaching. Thank you for sharing this blog and reaffirming my path as we transition into this new age! Enter your email below to unlock a free video that shows you how you can raise your frequency in 5 simple ways. Well, Pledeian, naybe Ivam not so motherly. You believe that by implementing science and advancements in technology, the future of planet earth could be extremely positive. They often stand out in a crowd because of their height and typically have pale skin. Here are 13 traits and characteristics you may have if you are an Alpha Centuarian Starseed: 1. If the words, written in this article resonate deeply within you, you might be on the right path. All the things about being a healer and holistic teacher is how I have lived my entire life. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and compassion, and may devote themselves to serving others to a near self-sacrificing degree. Again thank you so much, Shanti.Marsha, You are so welcome dear Happy I could help xx. You exude a powerful presence Being seeded from the strong-minded Arcturians, your energy field vibrates a high level of charisma and intelligence. Its not unusual for Arcturian starseeds to, given a chance, take year-long trips to several different places. He really enjoyed being in nature, where he lived was an oil field in Venezuela. Pleiadian? Rather than a hard and fast yes or no, people who are Arcturian Starseeds are most likely to share a number of characteristics. As beings whose energy vibrates from the 5th to the 11th dimension frequency, Arcturians are known as great communicators. Arcturian starseeds are specific that they were not just incarnated on Earth to change things, balance out the energy or be a Light Warrior. You often find yourself being called upon to help people or give advice at just the right time. They seek to help mankind and are known as masters healers. Hi Dustin! Theyre much more oriented toward the doing aspect of spiritual and scientific advancement than just the feeling side. Our galaxy diameter is just a little over 100k light years. Some of these starseeds lifetimes are coincidental.. Looking to discover what your gift, purpose, soul origin/Starseed group is? In order for them to do this, they need to actually remember what they are. Is everyone on Earth a Starseed or descendant of one? Arcturian Starseed traits and characteristics include: You often feel outcast. Starseeds may at first be considered as lunatics or daydreamers, but but are not. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was. Thank you for sharing this helpful post. They also arent concerned with trivialities and pettiness, as theyre emotionally evolved enough to dismiss them entirely. You may have a hard time believing the information you receive from your guides and ancestors when it comes to your spiritual destiny. Here are some signs you are an Arcturian Starseed: You know you're an 'old soul'. may be interested in building, designing and planning the future on Earth maybe through sustainable energy, developing new community living models etc. Drawn To Night Sky Arcturian Starseeds tend to be very drawn toward the night sky. Apart from potential physical differences, Arcturian starseed exhibit their traits from a very early age. They enter the human population with particular abilities to help others, especially those who are still struggling in their journey through life and have yet to fully awaken from their lessons. You think the idea of being someone's spirit guide sounds way cooler than being incarnated on Earth. If youre an Arcturian Starseed, you are here to bring new energy into our reality. Thanks to their charisma, eloquence, excellent timing, and fantastic sense of humor, Arcturians are often capable of exceptional public speaking. Not only will a genuine advisor tell you more about your particular Starseed, but they can reveal all your lifes possibilities. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with. Your mind may race with all sorts of possibilities, watching the clock and checking to see how much time has passed since youve last checked the weather report or news channel. There is a theme of taking divine knowledge from the spiritual world and using it to manifest divine technology into the physical world. Starseeds are physically indistinguishable from humans. Arcturian starseeds are generally happy on this planet, as long as they are utilizing their natural starseed abilities to their fullest potential. Arguments and discussions dont faze you. You believe that a lot can be learned by studying the way these civilizations lived their lives and structured their societies. They have helped me out in the past and Ive always found them honest and compassionate in their readings. You feel a calling to become an emotional healer or a shaman 4.Can be guarded with their emotions and have a shadow side 5. Read more about Julia Lundin. Arcturian starseeds have a few traits in common with actual Arcturian beings, even though they are incarnated on Earth. For that reason, they generally have a pleasant life in human form. But if you want more clarity on this, Id suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. Thats what drove me to seek information about this beautiful star. They are fifth-dimensional beings and built a society that became the original prototype for how to live on Earth. Similar to Arcturian starseeds, Draconian starseeds are relentless action-takers. As an Arcturian Starseed, you may want to look into other belief systems or religions that may better suit your needs in understanding our Life Experience here on Earth. What is an Arcturian starseeds mission on Earth? You may have a unique way of remembering things and seeing yourself in your dreams or even when youre awake, and this does not go unnoticed by others around you. may see colourful geometric patterns when they close their eyes, may be gifted musicians, mathmaticians or scientists. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation. You're not afraid to take to move away from the flock and forge your own path. However, their abilities on earth with a human body vary greatly. They were not born on earth, they chose to come here because of what they knew was needed here. They can come across as distant, due to their active minds and constant thoughts on improving their futures. People seeded by Arcturians are often very creative and love expressing themselves through writing, poetry, music, and other art forms. Theyre also very interested in sustainability, and helping humanity advance scientifically while better integrating itself into its environment. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. It can even cause them to experience physical illness. If youve had a spiritual awakening, you might be some form of Starseed. Thank you. In those regards, their primary focus is on balance and sustainability, which will help alleviate much of our own societal discord. Have you experienced a deep spiritual awakening, or feel that you were born to Earth with a mission for humanity? This will help you ascend, and move into 5D consciousness. Strong Personality The Arcturians have strong personalities, are great communicators and are here to teach. This makes their experience on this planet rich with color, vibrancy, experience, and memories. very sensitive to sounds, lights, smells, chemicals, etc. Are there any physical traits of Arcturian starseeds? Theyre usually serious, capable, and good at critical thinking. It can be seen just beyond the Big Dipper in the night sky. Click here to get your own personalized reading, Click here to get your own professional reading, Dreaming of someone you dont know? Hopefully, the signs above will shed some light on being an Arcturian Starseed. Please come get me. Youre always looking for proof that you are of this planet and that you came here to stay. See also: Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling Astrology books in the USA here. To raise your vibration and change the pattern of everything that has been. The Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth, is also said to have a home in Arcturus. These starseeds often focus on the practical side of spirituality, conscious manifestations, and intuitive development. You have a strong connection with your angels and other beings, but they too may not understand how you can be so aware of everything and yet still stand in the center of it all. Benjamin Franklin once said: For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.. The Arcturian society, their appearance, and architecture strongly resemble angelic realms, which helps human souls transition from their physical deaths to new rebirths. Spirit guides operate on a spiritual level, connecting with many individuals on Earth. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. If youre an Arcturian Starseed, youre naturally sensitive to energies and this includes all living things because as of now, everything is alive on Earth. Arcturians are fifth-dimensional beings who descended from the star Arcturus which is located within the Bootes constellation. This is my life now, Ive got to get through it. Arcturian starseeds come from a red giant - a star called Arcturus, from the Bootes constellation. To navigate this period successfully, humans must reconnect with their true nature, and blend their external worlds with the inner world of spirituality. TODAY, were diving further into the Arcturian starseed signs, their home star, features, traits, and missions here on Earth. Despite their eloquence and fantastic sense of humor, making friends isnt as easy for these starseeds as it is for the rest of us. Time is limited, and its ESSENTIAL that you raise your vibrations as HIGH as possible. Do you think that youre an Arcturian starseed? The reason for their sensitivity to cold is unknown, but it is commonly reported amongst Arcturians. Sending you lots of love and blessings . They are the doers of this world. Personal freedom and some alone time are exceptionally important for Arcturian star people. And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Arcturian starseed signs and traits include; Most commonly incarnate in darker skin - although arcturian starseeds vary Increased confidence and leadership skills - may come off as arrogant at times Leaders in communities and workplaces Good planners Excellent public speakers Interested in technology, mathematics, and metaphysics Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. I also explored nature. Others call them starseeds. Just think peace love gratitude we all are conscious creators so lets create heaven on earth. They have an innate drive to realize their lifes purpose. They are also very sensitive to the cold and feel it more than others. They have a stubborn way of doing things, only because they know in their own minds that they have the right way of doing things. They came here to bring about a harmonious reality where technology and community are intrinsically linked. The Great presence inside of us, its God. I m just turning 70 and have raised my Starseed son to live the same way. So, if youre awakening to your souls truths about your starseed origins, read through our article about the Arcturians because you might very well be one. I didnt just believe it, I knew it was true. ?? The body features possessed by the Arcturian starseed is also a cause of great debate. This stems from their archaic origins, natural curiosity, and insatiable knowledge for answers. I made a free video masterclass that explains how you can do that, andyou can watch it here. Wow. One fact correction It is thought that this constellation is over 35 million light-years from the solar system that encompasses planet Earth. I think you meant over 35 light years from Earth. They come off as outspoken, competent, creative individuals, with a noticeable hint of mystery that adds to their charisma. Beings from Arcturus are also big on helping individuals align with their true selves and find their true voice and spread the truth of the universe. Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins. Also Im not sure what starseed I am so I will definitely have to look into getting a starseed chart read. Arcturian Starseeds often share many traits, characteristics, and skills with Arcturians and even possess similar physical qualities. Arcturians tend to operate on a physical level, and therefore are very good at drawing up plans. There are no lifetimes on that planet and time as we know it doesnt exist there. I have experienced paranormal and psychic activities since about the age of 4-vividly. But then, I coukd be Arcturusn. They are interested mostly in lost ancient civilizations and they like studying about them. If you want to learn more about your specific mission, strengths and weaknesses and future, I recommend getting a free numerology reading. But I coukd also be Lyran: I have three cats and talk with birds, birds are my friens. They are emotionally stable and intellectually powerful. This awakening may bring: See also: Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling New Age Spirituality books in the USA here. I love ancient civilizations. Save the world. Arcturians tend to embody the frequency of energies associated with the Throat Chakra. Arcturians are blessed with strong, vivid memories. Are you a Starseed? They have incredibly dark and negative thoughts. Are you curious if you are an Arcturian starseed? . I do struggle with feeling alone on this planet earth and always have. Many Arcturian starseeds remember their origins. The Arcturians agreed to help Earth by acting as spirit guides and by seeding our world with Arcturian souls. When it comes to physical characteristics of Arcturian starseeds, or any type of starseeds in general, there are two schools of thought: The first school of thought teaches us that all starseeds, including Arcturian ones, arent physically distinguishable from humans. If this resonates, its highly likely that youre an Acturian Starseed. Arcturians are a type of starseed from the star Arcturus, a red giant located in the Bootes constellation. Have a beautiful day! If visualization is a process you enjoy or would like to explore, you can try my guided meditation here. There are so few resources available that finding any affirmation is such a lift to my spirit. Im not sure why, but I cried all the time I read this. Arcturian starseeds are souls born in Arcturus, the galaxy's most advanced civilization. I started AstralHQ as a way to share my more spiritual experiences and knowledge with the world. What is the Mission of Arcturian Starseeds? You may also be drawn to a particular area because you believe it to be in a certain time period or part of the world that was more advanced than others, so thats where you feel most comfortable. Book here: https://www. Arcturian Starseeds operate on a physical level and are often acting as teachers. Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling Astrology books in the USA here. I did, and Ive never looked back since. The frequencies of these colours, shapes and sounds mayhold information, lessons related to the structure of our universe and the laws that govern it. They have no idea where theyre arriving and have no control over their direction once in route. . Revealing their origins and purpose, these starseeds often wish to bring a piece of their home to Earth. The one exception, my husband, who I met at the age of 15. This makes sense to me when I think about the uncountable number of incarnations a soul could experience in the 14-billion-year history of the universe. Arcturus is a red giant star located in Botes, and is the third brightest individual star in our night sky. AstralHQ does not claim any rights on the Logo, Name or Trademarks of any third-party tech/website/partner. You might feel the connection between those times and the modern-day, and try to implement the lessons of history to create a better future.