Mike could still look after his younger sibling, though. . And his size increase is all the more impressive for having been accomplished while getting leaner. Mentzer was inducted in the IFBB Hall of Fame in 2002. They shared an apartment after moving in together, and during the ensuing months, they became closer. Ray Mentzer Bodybuilder, Ray Mentzer Workout - Bodybuilding Fanatic Not only was Dr. Darden kind enough to do an interview for this site, he also lent me a recent draft of The New High Intensity Training, which Ive read three times already. His greatest asset was his physical strength. The insurgent 28-year-old Mentzer finished a controversial fifth and, in the aftermath, retired. Mike Mentzer Workout Routine and Diet Plan - Fitness Clone After graduating from high school, he worked in United States Air Force and started working out 3 hours a day and 6 days a week. Use about half the weight (50 percent) that youd normally use. Anyway, review chapter 16 to find out all the how-tos. Incline Flye Interestingly, I replicated the 14-day experiment with another Gainesville Health & Fitness subject, Michael Spillane. Mike and his girlfriend, Julie McNew, came over to my home several times for dinner and we had some far-reaching conversations, none of which had much at all to do with bodybuilding. Just like his brother he strongly believed in training with a high intensity doing heavy weights with only 6 to 8 reps. Surprisingly, he moved them around his body as he talked and listened with an unassuming, childlike glee. Bent Over rows Learning logic and acquiring the ability to think critically is not easy, though not impossibly difficult. Drew Baye: Did you use NTF workouts in training David Hudlow, who in your HIT book gained 18-1/2 pounds of muscle in two weeks and 39 pounds of muscle in 6 months? Make them alternate days, and try to rest on your off days. Family, Partner, Biography, How To Make Pico De Gallo? I believe that after you read The New High Intensity Training, you will be too. Once I saw her creative design and layout, I realized that she had leapfrogged significantly my other bodybuilding books. Ray kept up his arduous training in 1983 while utilizing different programs. As a result, Jones offered Viator a job with his new company, Nautilus, and assured Viators parents that hed finish his senior year in high school in Florida. Born in 1941, Franco Columbu was a Strongman competitor and bodybuilder who won two Mr. Olympia titles: in 1976 and 1981. Ray Mentzer's Mr. America Pec Routine Ray Mentzer Workout Here are some excerpts, from a 1979 interview where Ray talks about his workouts leading up to his Mr. America victory. And Whitley achieved that without the help of creatine. In this interview the author of the best-selling Nautilus book series retraces his early training days with Arthur Jones and Casey Viator and talks about some of the golden-age bodybuilders who inspired him. During one of my stopovers in 1970, I introduced Hutchins to several Nautilus-styled HIT routines and I could tell he was impressed. The awesome Mentzer brothers, fuelled by their intense rivalry, show what they can do when they pump iron at the gym. Ray had become a full-time competitor by the age of 23. Ellington Darden: People ask him that all the time, and Ill shoot straight with you. He admitted to spending three hours a day in the gym as a young man while serving in the United States Air Force. You take your normal weight or resistance and instead of going to failure or beyond, you simply quit two reps short of your previous best effort. Hey Fred, glad you like the interview. And Mike made at least one appearance at the old Lancaster Health Spa. His name was Wilbur Miller and in 1964 he deadlifted 715 pounds, while weighing 245 pounds, which was a world record at that time. We both tried at least a half-dozen times each, to wedge a comment into Coopers dissertation. I trained him multiple times. Hardcore Contender - Mike Mentzer | Muscle & Fitness Today, that percentage of involvement has shrunk by half, which leaves approximately 8 percent. Workout Systems: Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty - Poliquin Group Or a training partner with a watch can talk your through each phase. . Ellington Darden: Yes, I believe youre right, especially those who recommend only three exercises once a week, or even once every-other week. Ray will be remembered for his incredible strength and never-say-die outlook on training and life. Between 1979 and 1980, Mr. Olympias, high intensity training, got on the peak and Mike Mentzer (Born on 15th November 1951 - Died on 10th June 2001) even seemed to be on the verge of giving transformation to the realms of bodybuilding. And what a training session it was. This crazy author thinks I want spaghetti arms! While many people know the basics of Heavy Duty training, the advanced techniques are known by only a few. Arthur Jones was a genius, but he had a tendency to be abrasive with some people, and if it were not for people like Ell Darden and Jim Flanagan who were much better with people the Nautilus company and Arthurs training principles probably would not have been as successful as they are. One drawback is, the ROM gets awkward beyond 90 degrees in the latter exercise. I told Ken that compartmentalizing exercise and recreation was on-target and I thought his new concept was going to help our cause. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. . Breakdowns - This practice involves stripping off about 10% of the resistance you're using and grinding out a few more reps. You can opt to drop the poundage once or twice a week, depending on how much intensity you're ready for. Could someone from Nautilus pick her up at the Orlando International Airport the next day at 11:00 AM? But one of my main problem with the book was that he seemed to put down Mike Mentzer!! In late 1967, Alexander invited Hutchins and me to his wedding and at the reception afterward, Ken began talking to me about strength training and bodybuilding. I am in no way against slow reps a person is better off moving too slowly than too quickly during exercise I just havent seen any convincing evidence that moving any more slowly during exercise than necessary to maintain strict form provides any additional benefit in terms of strength or hypertrophy. Family, Partner, Biography, How to make Garlic Dressing? My Most Result-Producing Routine By John Heart | Elite Trader Mike Mentzer 3 day workout routine I found this on youtube and wanted to share it with you guys. Coes arms, because of their unusual shape, always looked bigger than they measured. In fact, Ray would regularly host Saturday night squat parties. Who knows? Likewise, the indirect effect ought to be greater as well. He started his fitness journey at the age of 12 and became a phenomenal bodybuilder. We researched the HIT interest and heres what we concluded about our audience: In the early 1980s, when HIT was at its height of popularity, about 16 percent of bodybuilders in the United States were involved with it. But I dont think Arnolds triceps, nor forearms, were in the same category as Viators, Olivas, and Coes. He quickly competed in and won the Junior Mr. America and IFBB Mr. America competitions. Jim Flanagan and I trained Casey for several months in 1978, and helped get his body weight up to 220 pounds, but it was a real chore trying to get him fired-up for the majority of his training sessions. Since they involve no movement and have no potential for negative work, which hypothetically would produce little microtrauma, what do you think of their value for stimulating muscular size increases relative to full-range exercise? Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training Introduction This can be carried to a logical extreme. Then his brother died two DAYS later at age 47. Serves coffee strong enough to stand an elephant on its ear. Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty Training in Action Drew Baye: While its important not to workout too long or too often, do you think that many high intensity training enthusiasts have gotten carried away with reducing the volume and frequency of their training? One thing Cooper appreciated, our mutual friend noted (and this was no joke), was that we had not raved to him about Nautilus. So a quality, set of curls ought to take longer to recover from that is used to, 20 muscular pounds and an inch of size ago. I dont believe Arthur really hired Ell for research and development, I believe he hired him because he knew he needed someone who was intelligent and charismatic and could write and speak well to be a spokesperson for Nautilus. Here is where indirect effect comes in. He played defensive tackle and was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 230 pounds. The #1 Source For Oldtime Strongman Training Secrets. But trainees have found overall strength and size increases as a result of squatting - even when it is the only exercise performed for long periods. After some small talk, he was going to ask him bluntly to define exercise. After another 30 minutes had passed, all the seats in the lobby were overflowing with people, and we had little to do but keep kneeling and nodding. Incline press - 1 x 8 reps I assumed one of the Mens Health design team would be assigned to do the layout of my book. I choose to remember the drug-free bodybuilders who influenced me when I was growing up. Ellington Darden: I certainly did. Ellington Darden: I have a couple of projects in the formative stages. Indirect effect can be thought of as a sort of ripple effect. Ken always came back for more, and perhaps most importantly, asked intelligent questions. The idea is that by stopping short of failure you spare your recovery ability the task of having to overcompensate from a much deeper inroad. At that time, Nautilus had three, state-of-the-art television studios in Lake Helen. But he still added 11-3/4 pounds of muscle in 14 days. Besides training Viator over the next year, Jones would make sure he entered all the national bodybuilding contests. Make no mistake Ken Hutchins was one strong, Texas teenager. On June 12th, in York, Pennsylvania, at the 1971 Mr. America, Casey weighed 218 pounds and displayed his dominance by winning the main title and five of the six subdivisions . Ellington Darden: Lou Schuler, who was recently appointed editor of Rodales newest magazine called, Mens Health MUSCLE, asked me the same question a while back. Mentzer's dedication never wavered. Was Mike Mentzer gay? - Google Groups Ellington Darden: Joness specialty was intensity. Maintaining a healthy weight as a bodybuilder becomes increasingly essential, especially after age 40. Bodybuilding Titles Won Ive tried them several times and Ive definitely felt the tension. In 1978, at Sean Harringtons Nautilus club in Los Angeles, I witnessed Mike go through a true HIT workout. In two weeks, Caseys body weight was up to 210 pounds. With Flanagan and me pushing him, hed have stopped at 20. Viator more than doubled Hudlows rate of growth. But I heard about his visit from Jones, Viator, and Larry Gilmore. Here's the EXACT CYCLE that MIKE MENTZER used to win the 1980 Universe Mike Mentzer Underground Seminar | Page 2 | EliteFitness.com Ellington Darden: I cover some similar topics, such as intensity, form, and progression. It's part of bodybuilding legend how the squat affects overall body strength and size. Viators arms reminded me of Popeye, because his hanging forearms appeared disproportionately large and impressive. Ray neglected to tell Martina that there were dangerous crocodiles inside. Out of curiosity, which one do you like the best? That reinforced to me that Ray Mentzer was the strongest man Ive ever trained, and Ive been training people for more than 40 years. It is thus very interesting to see Mentzer putting his own heavy duty training program in action. The legacy he left to those in the Iron Game is his controversial workout program, Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty. Doing low reps with a big weight was one of Rays main training tenets. Press Behind NeckStage reps I learned how to do these things by reading and "digesting" the works of novelist/philosopher, Ayn Rand. Rest 2 minutes That year he also took part in AAU Mr. America and placed at 10th. Crenshaw had 18-inch upper arms and 15-inch forearms, which were mighty impressive; but even more impressive was his neck, which must have measured at least 20 inches. Ray found out he had kidney issues in 1999. He consumed more than 60% of his daily calories as carbohydrates. MIKE MENTZER - The Untold Story - Muscular Development HIT, Spit, and Bullshit - T NATION As a result, Hutchins and I improvised a plan. Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. This would enable him to repair the muscular tissue that had been damaged by using really heavy weights and working through set failure. (Creamy and Flavorful), Who is Luna Blaise? And arm yourself with The New High Intensity Training. So, be prepared to train alone. I noticed that Cooper was being very animated and seemed to be expressing himself well. . His triceps, in particular, when viewed from behind, reminded one of two . To this day, Im a firm believer in strength training the neck, for both athletes and nonathletes. "For a while Mike and I strayed from our high intensity, heavy poundage workouts into a program using lighter weights and higher reps. Mike Mentzer's High-Intensity Workout - Muscle & Fitness - Workouts Ray Mentzer - Greatest Physiques It was Dr. Kenneth Cooper. Stage Reps - Here you have a way in which to work around both the sticking points in an exercise and the lockout. Proper strength training, we felt, was more than an adequate way to work the muscles and heart. After visiting the doctor for a checkup in 1999, Ray got some bad news. Disclaimer: This website is an educational service that provides general health information. Mike Mentzer Training Routine - NECKBERG Mike suffered a heart attack while he was sleeping. The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results by Ellington Darden. The pullover done on a Nautilus machine is an example of an exercise that works a very large volume of muscle without being a compound movement. Finally, it was the middle of April, a month before the Jr. Mr. America, and Jones realized that if he doesnt return to training Casey, Casey might get beat at the national event. His first scheduled contests under Joness guidance were Teenage Mr. America, during the last week of July, followed a month later by Mr. USA. Does recovery-pain have anything to do with microtrauma? Thus, he simplified his routine to upper body only. On a beach, Ray and Mike Mentzer engage in some joint flexing. He started to sculpt his body after falling in love with the iron right away. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. Some of the football coaches, who encouraged me to lift weights from 1958 to 1962, also encouraged Hutchins in the late 1960s. Life is too short to be small. I think that the duration and intensity of effort are the main factors, not the range of motion. This would require a weight that would take you to failure in between 6 and 9 reps. Then, once you hit failure, keep going. Then again on things like squats they trained more traditional (but of course very heavy). Joness measured Arnolds flexed right upper arm cold at 19-1/2 inches. Ray and his teammates would move incredibly heavy objects while taking a lot of pauses. Ellington Darden: Arnold spent a week with Jones in November of 1970 and, unfortunately, I wasnt around then. Take the hips and thighs as an example. McCutcheon placed high in a few contests in Great Britain and relocated in 1992 to Portland, Oregon, where he became an engineer for Novellus Systems. He himself typically trained three times a week and his 30-minute workouts incorporated no more than 5 sets per body part. Press Behind Neck. . Drew Baye: What did you think of Mentzers Heavy-Duty books? Look at the workout accompanying this article for a few minutes. When I found out that Dr. Darden had a new bodybuilding book coming out I was very excited. Learn how to use high intensity training to build muscle! Wed effectively double team Cooper and help him understand exercise, generally and specifically, and then share with him the advantages of strength training on Nautilus equipment.