Now say sorry." "I'm going to be the best dad, you've ever seen in your whole life!" Your arms were wrapped around the pillow, trying to get comfort form it, but it wasnt him. xx, Zayn: You sighed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on your bed. Shes gonna be worth it, boo, I promise, he smiled, letting you run your hand over his black, thick hair. You flip the boys off over you shoulder, and reach up to peck Harry on the lips. One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ) 99.1K 709 23 by 0hitsmyharold Share Zayn: He rolled his eyes when another scream left your mouth. Just please come with me baby." He looks from you to Liam, then back to you. What? All with 1/5 of 1D. "That was the best porno I've ever seen." Holding your breath, you wait for him to go on, "We used to have a laugh all the time, and now she never wants to go out and she's all serious all the time,". All with that one man you met years ago. It was the part no one knew but you. It wasnt something you didnt want to do, you just couldnt. He gently pushed your shirt up and laid the towel on your stomach. A small stubble what emerged on mornings, only you to see, was scratchy under your finger when you traced his face with light fingers. When he pulls away you see all of the boys staring at you, and you immediately feel awkward, but you know they understand. His brown eyes were sad when he chewed his lower lip, thinking silently. "We shouldn't be doing this, Harry.". :) 7.6.13 & 8.4.14=Best Nights of my Life. His long fingers traced patterns to your skin, tattooed arms gently holding you. It's an African American tale about a guy named Wiley who wants to go to this river to cut bamboo for a hen house His mother told him that this river has a Hairy Man who lives there and took Wiley's father and she advises him to take his hounds with him when he goes since the Hairy Man is afraid of dogs. Ni, you whispered, sitting next to him, stroking his hair. Remember to like and subscribe and comment you're f. Minutes pasted, but your baby stayed still, not wanting to move anymore. You sighed, knowing how much hate he had got lately, even he tried more and more every day. Louis lied under you, eyes still closed, arms wrapped around you, keeping you not falling down off the small bed. Nothing important, you smiled, placing your head on his chest, listening how the voice of his heartbeats joined to the rain outside. Belly Button Kiss. Minutes pasted, but your baby stayed still, not wanting to move anymore. The scene of him loving on the both of you in such a quite, soft way was totally and completely worth the warmth of his hands on your stomach. Liam said as he planted kisses all over you. I love you, I love you, I love you.., he lifted you to his arms, giggling through his tears, kissing you happily, Oh my god kitten! "Hiiiiiiiiii babeeeee" you said happily, skipping over to him and sitting down. "How are you, why are you here, is everything okay, I missed you loads!" I threw questions at him not giving him time to answer. He turned around, flashing you a gentle smile, what reached all the way to his brown eyes. I know you wouldn't do that." Bringing your face to his, he gave you a long kiss on the lip, wiping your tears away. Louis stared at you for a moment before straddling you gently to the bed, happy tears on his eyes. your mom scolded, "And get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me peel the potatoes!". There are times where a guy may give you repeated kisses on your stomach. "Let's show them." He kissed you back putting his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him deepening the kiss at the same time. Note: [request] Niall: You glance down at your phone on the side when it lets out a message tone, smiling when you see Niall's name come up on the screen. Few minutes later the front door opened with a loud bang, and Louis ran in, almost knocking few things over. His soft, plump lips brushed your calves, fingers brushing the tender skin while he draw soft circles everywhere. You glared at him playfully, before putting a hand to your belly, rubbing it at the same spot he had, Same to you young man, no playing with mommy, okay., Harry:I miss you, you said, keeping the phone on your ear, thinking about the curly haired guy who happened to be your husband and also across the world. Nothing, you murmured, placing your hand to his stubbly cheek, trying to sooth his worried brown eyes, Shes just kicking me really hard. The bed sheets rustled when he sat up quicker than ever before. you said. Ill be back soon love, you whispered, giving him a light kiss to his pouted lips, just sleep until I get home, and we can pretend I never left., Harry:Coldness next to you woke you up to the early morning. You were going to meet him in a hotel room. You loved the feeling when you watched him, heart filling with love and desire. Lou, hurry home, you laughed, tears on your eyes when you closed the phone, hands on your belly. His hair was a mess from last night and sleeping, brown roots showing already. When Louis finally arrives home, he excitedly runs in and gives you a huge hug and kiss. Harry Styles Imagine. "You're so beautiful, babe". The two of you made your way to your bedroom, careful not to break the kiss. The baby answered by hiccupping again, making Liam smirk happily before he laughed out loud, eyes glowing. 5: He asks you to marry him <3 awwh. Air-kissing is a social gesture that involves pursing your lips and leaning in as if you're kissing, but without actually touching the other person's cheek (the little "mwah . "Leave your sister alone!" your mom scolded, "And get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me peel the potatoes!". historical kisses, unforgettable night satelarry Summary: Harry has a thing for pregnancy. I love that game!" You crinkle your eyebrows at him, confused, as he grabs a cushion off the kitchen chair and shoves it up his shirt. One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ) 78.4K 561 20 by 0hitsmyharold Zayn: You lied on the couch, feet propped up to Zayn's lap when he rubbed them in comfortable silence. You never wanted to forget the feeling of Liams gentle touch. Still smiling, you reached your hand to his face. Zayn lied behind you, arms wrapped around your waist, lips buried to your hair. Is he still kicking? He yelled when he burst out the door, kneeling next to you, hands on your belly, eyes widen and excited. You smiled when you saw his amazed eyes what admired what he saw. It wasnt unusual to wake up to his hands admiring the life you had made together. This company will never again asks someone as young as me to fill this position." All of their mouths are hanging open. You said as you backed away from Liam so he could see your bump. I still cant believe it, he breathed, when he kneeled down, head on your bellys level. Harry grabs your waist and spins you closer to his chest. No, he whined, gliding his hands on your back, under your t-shirt, making you shiver under his sudden touch. Loosen up a bit." Liam,you asked, knocking to the door, trying to get him open it, Whats wrong? You heard muffled cursing through the door, making you raise your eyebrows. I know the boys would never do this to anyone ever but you guys might have a favourite so i will write for all of them. A Horan baby! You snuggle up to him, so he reaches down and start kissing you softly, he break the kiss and smile for you. The pillow didnt fill the empty spot where your warm, sleepy boyfriend should lay, curly hair messily pointing to every direction, light snores letting you know it was safe to sleep. He hides them behind his back, and when you go to grab them, he takes hold of your hand, and places his other had on your hip. You are the only source of happiness in my life and I love you for that. A/N: Hey guys this one made me cry so much. Its not that easy Lou, you yelled back, pulling your hair with frustration. He bends down and kisses you long and hard. "Wow..". You whip around, straddling him in his seat. Lets not fight again, okay? Harrys face fell, making your heart ache. You guys have been back here all day, playing video games, karaoke, and now it is movie time. Quilt filled you when you walked next to him, crawling next to him. Hows my baby tonight? he whispered, fingers reaching to your swollen stomach, where he admired the big bump. Louis Tomlinson was a person friend of your brother's. I said nothings wrong, get the fuck out, he yelled, making you flinch. A baby! You loved it. Liam looked down at your belly, where his hand searched the spot you were rubbing. He lifted his head, small smile on his face when he pulled himself up, facing you. I miss you too much when youre not in my arms., #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? Harry: He claps his hand over your mouth, frowning. It was a miracle, considering how low chances you had to get pregnant. Pregnant? he asked, still a bit angry. We will post outfits preferences imagines and one shots here. You cant just talk to your pregnant wife like that, ass, you snapped, storming to the livingroom. slowly runs his hands down your arms. You lifted his harms lightly, turning yourself around to face him. closes his eyes as he brings his lips to yours. Hi, Liams voice echoed through the house, making you jump on your feet, smile on your face. TV was on, some cartoons coming at the early hours of evening. He grabs your hand, and leads you towards his bunk. When did ya became so borin? he asked, accent thick and eyes cold, before he left the room, leaving you stare the wall. Ye ready? He took a deep breath, kissing your belly before starting to sing with his soft voice Come all ye maidens young and fair, and you that are blooming in your prime, always beware and keep your garden fair,let no man steal away your thyme, for thyme it is a precious thing. He gave you a swift kiss on the forehead and left the room. Niall starts to give a round of applause. Harry kisses your forehead, and falls down on his knees. You had felt a bit dizzy, but everything was normal, not even giving you any doubts that you would be in that situation. Ya have no idea how I missed ya princess, he murmured, wrapping the warm covers better around you two. Princess, he breathed before running to you, crushing you to his arms, kissing your neck after multiple I love yous. Browse Browse Paid Stories Editor's Picks The Wattys Adventure Contemporary Lit Diverse Lit Fanfiction You had agreed to take three days break, even when it broke both of your hearts. Well maybe I wasnt pregnant then, you screamed loudly, making your ears ring. Zayn: Zayn thinks it's incredibly hot when you swear . He was the only one that knew about your fear of lightening. He pulls back to respond. He was yours, he was next to you. He sealed a kiss over your parted lips, pulling your body on top of his. His warm lips didnt make a noise in the room, where only sound was raindrops what spattered against the windows and roof. Yes Zayn, that was your daughter, you smiled, happiness filling you when he leaned to kiss your bump, hands never leaving the spot. He places his hands on your belly, and strokes it slowly. Niall:You stirred off your sleep, small sunlight making its way to your face. He makes you apologize every time you curse, and if you don't, he refuses to kiss or hug you until you do. It was hard because of your pregnant belly and mostly because of the little baby inside that belly. I have to go to work, you whispered, barely even making a sound. I know, you smiled, thinking how perfect your baby would be, you knew it already. Like weve always wanted!, Louis:I cant believe you! But you were. I want you to come too, you sniffled, unable to keep your emotions away. You said chucking at Liam who was starring at your belly. "I love you too." "It's okay. You could feel his grin against your belly. His arms tightened around you, knowing that you were awake and almost gone from his grip. xx, Zayn:You lied on the couch, feet propped up to Zayns lap when he rubbed them in comfortable silence. Yeah right, I know somethings wrong love, please let me in, you fought back, still knocking the door with your fist. Love, you whispered, stroking the hair next to his ear. Louis stopped, turning around to look at your angry figure. You hadnt actually planned this pregnancy, but it wasnt a bad news. You could feel the babys hiccup once again, making you smile. Zayn seriously, you cant just leave your dishes to the counter! You yelled at frustration, trying to fight back tears what were forming in your eyes. You feel your cheeks explode into flames as the claps transform into awe's. Oh my god, you breathed, smile on your face when you sat still, feeling the little boy moving and kicking inside you. You had found out that morning that you were expecting a small Horan baby and it wouldnt be good to risk something so precious because of a pint. You ran into his arms as he held you tight. We do, more than anything, you promised, snuggling closer to him, letting him sleep away his exhaustion, hand on your belly, making sure his girls were close. It was a mixture of who he was. You and the One Direction are in the same Hotel, but in separated rooms. He was still in his day clothes, skinny jeans making it almost impossible to move. I cant wait til I can see ye, lil one., #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? Well find a way to take you with us or Im not going. You loved every tattoo, you loved his jawline what sometimes tensed when he slept, and you loved his stubborn stubble what grew every day, even when he shaved it. However, the boys keep annoying you about it. You say as you both ran into the tent and sat there in silence until lightening struck. The walls are paper thin, so doing anything really fun is out of the question. Everything around you were still new and unknown, and you were glad to have Harry around as your one secure point, but as the day dragged on and the Tv being the only thing cutting through the deadly silence, a little evil thought started to creep onto your mind, that didn't occur . We missed you too, daddy, you answered, making hi blue eyes glister with tears. It is almost a sign of respect to kiss a pregnant woman's belly. Filed under one direction one direction imagines one direction preferences one direction preffs 1d 1d imagines 1d preferences 1d preffs zayn malik zayn imagine zayn preference louis tomlinson louis imagine louis preference liam payne liam imagine liam preference harry . The other boys claim the couches, and you and Louis take the bed. BTS imagines bts scenarios bts . If any of you want a request just put it in the first page of comments. "No!" I said laughing. Hi lil one! Every dimple and spot he had was only making his face more perfect. 04) He gets teased about you best1dimagines harry styles harry styles imagine one direction one direction imagine 1d 1d imagine imagine up all night Harry Styles birthday imagine You and Harry have been dating for a year, and it's been the most amazing year of your life Jul 12, 2014 - I'm a Harry girl Harry's heart pounds in his chest as he. "I'll be there whenever I can. "Here," He said, sitting down gently at the end of the bed, "let's put this on your belly." tattoo ludwigsburg preise; marteria claudia schiffer; acute respiratory clinic grafenwoehr What will we sing next? Your hand moved to his curls and you brushed a thumb over his temple. 18. We need to eat. He gives you a slow, sweet kiss, and you melt into his arms. His large hands were on loose fists, when his red, puffed eyes were closed, dreaming about something easier. "If something ever happens like that again, tell me alright. Belly button kiss can't be executed while you and your partner are in a public place. Woo! You laughed when he pulled you to a tight hug, twirling you around laughing happily. The covers around you didnt warm you enough, letting the cold winter air make your skin go goose bumps. He pulls up your t-shirt, tugging it so your gently . He already loved the baby so much, spending the nights talking to the bump, buying stuffed toys and name books. - He said and smile for you.-Really? Yeah, you got me pregnant Tomlinson,and Im not allowed to fly and I get sick all the time what is not working in a small bus with one toilet, you yelled, now bit softly, but tears still on your cheeks. What is the matter with you? You smiled, watching how his expression chanced from confused to shock when he felt the tiny kick. ), One Direction ( apologizes after a fight ), One Direction ( his thoughts during your pregnancy ), One Direction ( you and your kid(s) suprise him when he's on tour ), One Direction ( your child is seriously ill ), One Direction ( you tel him you're pregnant ), One Direction ( He thinks you're lying, but you're not ), 1D ( you name your kid after his mom/dad ), 1D ( he has an accident and you go tot see him to the hospital ), 1D ( he meets your baby for the very first time ), One Direction ( little things you cheer up your sexlife ), A SONG YOU SING TOGETHER (ONE DIRECTION PREFERENCES). One direction baby and love imagines - He kisses you infront of the boys - Wattpad Read He kisses you infront of the boys from the story One direction baby and love imagines by SarahPhillips0 (Sarah Phillips) with 967 reads. Your tears stained his neck, leaving sobs to his soft skin when he rocked you back and forth. ''Hi future daddy!'' You let out a deep sigh and look back to the boys. Weve been waitin on ye for so long now I cant believe youre really in there! xx, Zayn:He rolled his eyes when another scream left your mouth. The sound was lulling you back to peaceful sleep, while Liam trailed his long finger across your spine, making you shiver in pleasure. His guitar playing harden fingertips were lying on your skin, making you feel safe and loved. Harry smirks at you." Forget about the interview. Most music is crap. Liam: He kisses your belly all the time and tells your child how much he loves it and how amazing it's going to be when the baby gets here. What are you thinking? he asked quietly, nose touching yours, while he rested his arm on your back, keeping you as close as possible. Hi love, what are you doing to him, hes kicking my kidneys out, you chuckled, making him giggle before kissing your lips gently. Masterlist. Hes coming home, you whispered to your baby, hand brushing your, only a bit longer, flat belly. One day you call Niall and plan a day to see him again. Liam lied next to you, hovering you with his warmness, kissing his way down to your bare spine. ), One Direction ( apologizes after a fight ), One Direction ( his thoughts during your pregnancy ), One Direction ( you and your kid(s) suprise him when he's on tour ), One Direction ( your child is seriously ill ), One Direction ( you tel him you're pregnant ), One Direction ( He thinks you're lying, but you're not ), 1D ( you name your kid after his mom/dad ), 1D ( he has an accident and you go tot see him to the hospital ), 1D ( he meets your baby for the very first time ), One Direction ( little things you cheer up your sexlife ), A SONG YOU SING TOGETHER (ONE DIRECTION PREFERENCES). You turned to see his naked body tangled to the bed covers. He wanted to feel you on his arms, make sure that you were there, safe and well. It was hard because of your pregnant belly and mostly because of the little baby inside that belly. Peeking out of the corner of my eye, his jaw was clenched, hands gripping the wheel tightly, and his hair was pushed back from him running his hand through it in frustration. Your parents would have never allowed it. His warm breath hit the back of your head, making few hairs swing because of it. Now, everything had changed. His warm, sweet breath tickled your skin when he pressed small kisses to your back, making sure he reached every inch, not letting any spot behind. *** "Hey. The bed his mom had made you on the mattress was on the floor. So much., Niall:You paced back and forth in the terminal, waiting boys flight to land so you could see Niall again. The door squeaked quietly when you tiptoed to the guest room next to you. You reached to kiss his chin dimple, letting your lips stay on his skin for a while longer than you meant to. Why are you sorry, this is fuckin amazing! You smiled to his utter happiness when you placed his hands to the spot where your baby was kicking. "I don't really care, love.". Pref. That was naughty. It had been only few weeks, but he was calling you every chance he got, making sure hed hear your voice every time it was possible. The way it makes your whole body tingle. I know youve never loved your own voice - harry, For @trinitybannister73 niall - ill always love you, You tell your child your pregnant and BONUS, Your daughter asks why he leaves all the time, You havent lost all yoir baby weight and your insecor, The texts he sends you on your wedding day, The boys meet the baby for the first time, Your body is changing because your pregnant, The moment you know hes going to be a great dad, How you celebrate one directions annerverary. You ran your thumbs over his eyebrows, smiling to his absolute perfectness. Imagine: You swear in front of him. - You smile - That sounds amazing! You were the lucky one who picked him up from the airport last night. It didnt bother you earlier! Louis yelled, zipping the zipper angrily, making your hormones go wild. You always want to..You smiled stroking his flushed cheek. See, she loves you, you smiled, biting your lip, seeing how excited his smile grew. I can get you any job you want. ), One Direction ( apologizes after a fight ), One Direction ( his thoughts during your pregnancy ), One Direction ( you and your kid(s) suprise him when he's on tour ), One Direction ( your child is seriously ill ), One Direction ( you tel him you're pregnant ), One Direction ( He thinks you're lying, but you're not ), 1D ( you name your kid after his mom/dad ), 1D ( he has an accident and you go tot see him to the hospital ), 1D ( he meets your baby for the very first time ), One Direction ( little things you cheer up your sexlife ), A SONG YOU SING TOGETHER (ONE DIRECTION PREFERENCES). After that day you two always went to his academy in the afternoon and kept your relationship secret. You put your arms around his neck and playing with his hair at the same time. Harry, laugh, you said, after thinking few minutes. xx. 2: You get into an argument and try to leave but he wont let you. You can be as moody as you ever want babe. Niall:You woke up from your slumber, finding the morning sun up and shining from the bedroom window. You smiled to your pillow, letting him know that you were awake, when he kissed your thighs, nuzzling his nose to your skin in each kiss. What? Louis screamed, making you laugh happily when your son kicked you angrily after his dad scared him. There is a bed, a TV, two couches, and a mini bar. You know, like, that it got all the way" your train of thought ended. I post One Direction imagines, fics and preferences! HI there well I made yall some one direction imagines hope you enjoy. Im pregnant, you whispered a small smile on your face, So I cant drink. He stared at you for a moment before jumping up happily, PREGNANT? . Courtney. "I . You smiled, feeling how the little one had a hiccup on your belly. "Wow." Truth or dare." Every angry expression he had had was gone, letting only the true Harry show up. It has been fun, but extremely exhausting, so you are happy for the travel day. He crashed you to a tight hug, sniffling to your neck, kissing your skin with wet kisses. Liam places his hand gently on yours. He tilted his head a little more to the right to deepen the kiss. He was estatic, making you happier than ever before. Niall was on the couch, doing something on his IPhone. You pulled your sleeves down but not before his face fell and you knew he noticed. Hi, hi, he grinned, pressing kisses to the belly, laughing every time he felt a hiccup against his skin. Preference #2: You two are out and about, paparazzi swarms you two and one accidentally hits/bumps into you, and he gets mad. IIm pregnant and kinda freaking out, you whispered to his neck, making him freeze under you. Daddy felt your kick! he cooed, kissing the skin, laughing and crying at the same time, Hi!