"A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told.". As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make villain monologues work for you. - Description: Here an example of the character's life is shown, with some information about his childhood and ideals. Death. The Monologue Mechanic provides a nice fix for the inclination to hack n' slash your So do not think that your pitiful band can hope to bar my way. And I will kill you and show your mangled corpse to my clients and say These are the dead bones you were afraid of, and look how they died. So when I took a city, I had the men and male children slaughtered. They fell dead one by one at the King's table. So I poisoned the entire delegation. I do not believe in magic or blessed numbers. Fallen to age, disease, war, endless, pointless war, murder, childbirth and they will all rise up in my service. In a moment the full brilliance of my years-long plan will become clear. We all stand behind the ranger as our GM sighs. The local temple recruited young children into their cult. Lots of times in these articles we create a list, and I think that would be flawed. Maybe we should run to the supermarket to get more? One of the ladies in my group explained that the voice I made when saying the last line gave her goosebumps. Yes, some would call me a bastard, but I am still of the blood recognized or not in the eyes of the law. To accomplish my grant aims, I have made alliances with races the civilized world would call monsters. This power level will influence the events in his life, the higher the level, the more chances of victory he will have and the more difficult it will be for the characters to face him. Monologues on this site written by Gabriel Davis are royalty free for use in audition and competition; for other uses contact gabriel@alumni.cmu.edu. Steal my treasure? If you're searching for villain names, this villain name generator was built to be a starting point for you. He's a sadistic, arrogant man who believes the strong have a right to make the rules, and the weak are welcome to die. Why do you ask? You know?. The best keep you on the edge of your seat and make you feel like your hero has met their match. 7. - Strengths and Weaknesses: These depend on the life the character has had. Then the corpuscles of your blood will rebel and attack your own flesh. Clean. We were whole. The second part of the monologue is the villain's thematic argument. I'm thinking about the villain monologue from Training Day, where Denzel tells us about King Kong. Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Im irrelevant! Fuck Naturelle Riviera. This shows how mighty he once was, but it also shows that he's no longer on top of the Empire State Building. Blackmagic Design Makes Cloud-Based Editing Workflows Even More Affordable, 10 Questions a Beginning Cinematographer Might Ask (With Answers! They have more power and execute missions more efficiently. An elegant solution don't you think? So how can you apply them to your own writing? This module can be used to create villains and antagonists for any role-playing game such as: D&D 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, GURPS, Aquelarre, and any other game set in medieval fantasy. (Doubly true as I have moved on to flaming, flesh-eating-bacteria-infected mosquitos. Yet they still live. Can you? If you prefer a physical copy, simply using the printing option in your browser (Ctrl + P on PC, Cmd + P on Mac) will allow you to print all the information in the character fields without any of the site extras. Villain Monologue Generator v.1. The very sign of our victory is our very bodies. This module includes the villain name generator. I call it destruction. When I had breached their walls, all were put to the sword. In delving into the very nature and fabric of existence, I have created the most powerful, most awful, and most singularly destructive object ever to exist on the Material Plane: The Sphere of Annihilation! For example, given the goal describe an object x, the intention persuade . Come get my gun? There's an amazing monologue from Dr. When my husband first told me this, I asked him to please explain himself and he said: Well you know, I grew up in Idaho, on a potato farm. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls; and from now 'til Kingdom Come the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.. Uses his presence to make everyone who fails the Con save have to use their action to consume a Ration and sicks the three whelps on them. I applauded their mettle and fighting spirit, but I could brook no opposition. Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. Alex O'Loughlin. The BBEG cries out in pain as a bolt tears through his right hip. *Mamet manages to turn profanity into an art form. 1. You can use the Save button to save your generated villain to your personal saved lists. These titles can be used to inspire and give personality to the character, although it does not have to have a very elaborate background. We're gone as far as we can with him. Pray I am so gracious when I crush you pitiful lot beneath my boot heel. No words can describe the bone-deep torment and anguish at their loss. But my parents never knew what horrors the priests inflicted upon the innocents. We appreciate their express authorization for this project. Once, long ago I captured a city after a lengthy and punishing siege. This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finalehas one of the best, but I'm sure my fellow Dopers can find other worthy ones. There are so many options to choose from and they are all so cool. Think about it. The Rod of the Arcane? Elegant. August 17, 2022 August 17, 2022 MB Team . Sometimes they are dishonest and tend to break the law with their actions. So I took the right hand of very man, woman, and child in the district. Even more if you use a translator or the AI content rewriter. But not me! But they were necessary. But only through extreme effort, planning, and a dragon's horde of wealth expended only then can my patron make himself manifest upon this plane of existence. Ah, Father. They are the incarnation of Evil or Chaos, being the antagonists of the heroes or protagonist . Where there is a hero, there is always a villain. I love how I can type in my own words to get an evil villain name that no one else has, I love this evil villain generator! I hear you. That is who I truly war against. It is a horrible way to die to be sure. It is also important to note that we play by candlelight at the table. Twenty seven years, Im finally in the spotlight, huh? ), Ive always been rather fond of, I expect you to die, Mr. Bond.. 1,498 votes. No exit. There is a use to the villainous monologue, but only if you do it right. Monologue Generator First our system generates the monologue. Savage Wombat. At the very precipice of the Dark Portal, I slew demons one after another until whole new rivers, rivers composed only of blood were filled. Well, will you look at this? Wildness you see. Simply to erase any trace of my passing through. Client: The People Freer. How to Write a Monologue With Examples. Bring your character to life by using this tool. I have scoured the land and delved deep into the earth. It gives Michael Douglas a chance to shine, to prove to the audience who he is and how he has power over people. It could be revealing motivations, a dastardly plan, or even just telling them a story. Beautiful isn't she. The Joker and Batman In The Dark Knight. An evil villain monologue is a long speech by the antagonist in a scene, film, or TV show. All antagonists have a plan, which are usually told throughout the plot. Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim strolling up and down 47th Street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff, selling South African apartheid diamonds. For a few seconds, it appears Batman, infuriated, has . February 6, 2023 Joseph Arnone. Terrorists in fucking training. When I was a child, raiders burned my home to the ground and killed my parents. In the midst of a blizzard, I took refuge in a cave. Ill just make a quick run to the grocery he said need anything dear? he asked me. Saints and other ghostly intruders threaten, block, and . Ahaha. And while youre jumpin from one foot to the next, what is he doing? Youre so wrong. Oh, I see that the "True heroes of old," have finally arrived- it is a pity th-. He has repressed memories. For it is death who took my beloved. So then I offer you this alternative. I am the sun that will ignite the fire without a second thought. When Bond finds out about Operation Grand Slam (or so he thinks), he tells Goldfinger all the reasons why it wont work; how much gold, how many men to load it on to how many trucks. Secrets. Am I not benevolent? No. Youre the margarine of evil. When Hans Landa sits across the table from the farmer. Therefore, this biography determines the past (or present/future) of the villain. Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation. Find a character or situation that you can relate too. All the simple things of a corporate role and more. Read every tome of arcane and knowledge lost to the ages and have assembled the Rod of Seven Parts! Now starts the anticipated Sub-boss battle our GM had been planning. You wanna work here - close! . The best anime speeches can be inspiring, like when Eren Jaeger of Attack on Titan urges his comrades to fight on against the Titans, or when Sora from No Game No Life convinces the people he now governs that their strength lies in . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Deep in the mountains, far, far below the impenetrable snows, I did battle. And also because I was jealous of the potato. And finally, at the stroke of just one half of an hour, your heart will beat as though it would burst through your chest until it simply fails and you die. All of my efforts, all my deeds are in vain if I do not defeat death itself. In fact, I am a man out of time you might say. Or what about when a villain gives a speech telling us what they believe or what they're selling? I dont give a shit. Our Ranger immediately sets his crossbow. Way back when we first started playing they ended up dethroning a king who was being a tyrant, high taxes, harsh punishments for relatively minor crimes, and strict curfews. What Do They Do? So as you can see, monologues and villains go hand in hand, no matter the entertainment delivery system. I tried to destroy my husbands life. He rolls with it after trying to persuade the Ranger to retcon so he can finish the dialogue. Bard: "I'm a rock, I'm a rock, I'm a rock" over and over as she fails her Hide check and just barely makes it to a cave before he fires his breath weapon. I think antagonists don't get enough emphasis from writers. Slow the fuck down! When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. A place by the river, the lights on the water at night. I hand you the target, I tell you who and where. - If you need original factual content such as Evil Villain blogs etc, Article Forge is amazing. Hang the traitor! But it is done in a way that they do not immediately perish. That was me. I will expand this tool to include statistics for heroes, regular NPCs and a whole bunch more in the future, so stay tuned. We had a GM that loved his big baddie in a GMPC kind of way. Another show built on monologues is House of Cards. Gert Frbe makes that scene work because hes just so satisfied with his own cleverness that he has to tell someone, someone who can appreciate it. Another one I truly loved was delivered by Monique in the movie Precious. Usage - You are free to use anything generated in your creative works. For more first line writing prompts, go to the First Line Generator page. By Henry Abosi. For monologues not written by Gabriel Davis that are recommended on this site royalties may apply so be sure to contact the relevant author or their agent for permission to use their work. No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? I didnt know. They can be very elaborate or simple plans, there are even villains who do evil for fun, without really having a goal. Are you beginning to reconsider the choices, the myriad tiny decisions right back to the very day you were conceived to that whore you called a mother? I shall have your skull on my desk as a paperweight and wish that you still had eyes to see my victory. The pain and suffering of my people can no longer be ignored. What do you know. Also shown are his weaknesses (if any) and some points of interest such as his dungeon guards, pets or army. This is not so. His ears I fried and fed to my dogs. Shame on you! The latter is based on the psychological description, appropriate to some of the plot, clothing, language and so on a brush or a few strokes.Monologues are also a common description in cartoons, especially in the case of villains. Like "There are only three types of citizenship: hero, villain, nobody." Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity. Deep within the cave I found the remains of a warrior. Youre the diet coke of evil. - Class: The villain's class defines his preference for combat. You cant take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit? Featured Monologues. In a moment the full brilliance of my years-long plan will become clear. Let me give you a little inside information about God. But how can you write them? Evil in Austin Powers where he mimics the James Bond-style monologue talking about his troubled childhood. Dad made us potato guns to play with in the backyard. The lowest levels are: Useless Henchman (many failures) and Henchman. you have doomed this land in your hubrace, and your definition of good. We're in the death mind of the legendary healer. But I am not the fire that will melt the flesh from your bones and turn them to dust. Its our time Were coming out!! All Rights Reserved. Video Game Voice Over Script Example 1:The People Freer. Cue the proud Ranger. Now you can generate plans of pure sadism from the comfort of your own home! Taste, dont swallow. , insult, monologue, moor, speech, taunt, villain. This is when the people I played with finally understood they were playing murderhobos. Maybe the last humanist. A woman wakes up to find her family gone and her doors and windows boarded up with no way to escape. I have trod unmapped paths in pursuit of my aims. Report here, Copyright 2023 RoleGenerator.com. The best recent example is Nicholsons You cant handle the truth from a few good men. Job description: The People Freer is an action-packed fantasy fiction game where the player assumes the role of a rough-around-the-edges hero who frees villages from their capture and impending doom. Are we cutting away from it, do we see the aftermath of what was promised, or is this just someone talking at us to move the action? Your task is to continue the conversation. #4. For some it takes hours to die, others days. You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? Read more. Behold, the Evil Plan Generator. Move the fuck on. Youre not fooling anybody, sweetheart. This is the " Random Villain Generator" module. You see this orb? "Richard III" by William Shakespeare: Richard III's plan. No, no. Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it. A man wakes up bound to an electric chair. All the randomized values can also be adjusted if you prefer different ones, like a different race type, for example. But at the end of this the king ends up slumping to the ground and dying. Well in the current campaign they are going to run into this "king" again dressed in rags at the bottom of a deep dark wet cave system. Dramatic monologues are a literary device that have been used since ancient Greek theatretoday, they are a common tool in modern plays and films. He was imprisoned and then executed. executed publicly. !, Im an angel. Let me explain. A portal. I felt like thats how I want him to look at me. Yes, this is it here. Gulnis climbs the mountain and sees the Bard, "HEY you were the rat who interrupted my monologue". William Shakespeare's 16th Century masterpiece portrays King Richard III's Machiavellian . Fast or slow? The input of the monologue generator is a goal to describe an ob- ject from the knowledge base. My father was no married to my mother. Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. It was very quiet when I spoke and although it was a beatable encounter this dragon did end up wiping the group. The analogy is apt and i like it but it leapt out at me as something out of period. Of course, those were all movies, and we see villain monologues in TV as well. Here's his Villain Speech, delivered to Van Heflin as Joe Starrett with Starrett's 8-year-old son, played by Brandon deWilde, looking on (I'm paraphrasing from memory): RYKER. And through this doppelganger well, let's say I shall get what I most richly deserve at long last. Includes a compilation of roleplay memes by tumblr users: leneemusing, vaememes, morememesforall, bunchamemes, vhsmeme, edenmemes, eternalmemes, ohisms, turnpage, soulmemes, nightprompts, memelleity . The abilities will depend on the type of villain class we have chosen. Find a monologue that fits you and your experiences. They call it building. Now, take this empty glass, here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. Join For Free Now!! And as always, feel free to link back if you use our generators. villain monologue generator . "Tremble Fledglings, and Despair! Once two of my rivals were in dispute over control of a fertile valley. What might I do to you out of spite and because you vex me? In Negative Energy, Rose is completely against having her roommate's sister Meagan live with them temporarily which sparks this monologue. Six adjectives to describe somebody's character. Copyright Dodecahedron Developments 2023. Scar ( The Lion King) One of Disney's most angsty and melodramatic villains, Scar is responsible for one of the most heartbreaking deaths. Another gem from Edmund, later in the same scene: In fact - Skald, I think Id like to nominate Edmund for President. Pray you never feel its full might unleashed upon you. Tweet. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. I mean, how could you write about this topic without mentioning the Joker and his scars? As that final word slipped between his cracked lips, I blew out the flickering flame, rendering my living room in complete darkness before playing a loaded audio clip of the scariest, most primal growl I could find. Yet every time this came up, I simply role-played the sword . I do. I've always wanted a good evil villain generator, but this one is by far the best, This is the best evil villain name generator I've ever used! Nothing will stop it once set in motion. This is the "Random Villain Generator" module. Look but dont touch. . Forget what the Incredibles say. And should you try, let me illustrate the depths of pain and torment I am willing to plumb. Sold me up the river. The generator is a tool to generate random supervillains Characters. That was me. I am stepped in that blood so far that to go back the way I came would be far more tedious than to continue. Now replace the water with blood. If you have better ones, tell me in the comments. The monologue mechanic has changed the way I think about my villains. I feel like life is much greater than a hero or a villain: there's good people that sometimes make mistakes. Do not think you can overpower my will to achieve my aims. What about another very famous one? They send me a rag tag bunch of vagrants who know nothing more than fighting and murder. Fuck the Uptown brothers. Revenge. I want him to look at me the way he looks at the potato. I'm hoping that at least the paladin in the group will start to feel bad. For it is magic users of every stripewizards, conjurers, necromancers, charlatans and illusionists, warlocks, clerics and paladins, druids and all the restthat have rended the very fabric of reality. I kill first borns while their mamas watch. You, I dont even like.. You dare mention that before me. You have no understanding of what my people lost, but after today you'll begin to feel but a fraction of our pain. They are the incarnation of Evil or Chaos, being the antagonists of the heroes or protagonist player characters. That kinda stuff is great in books, but boring for players. So much of what we're talking about on No Film School when it comes to screenwriting is summarized in our new eBook. To begin your plan, you must first seduce a pope. he says. Seek to take what is rightfully mine, and you, too, will feel my ire. But, more recently, Aaron . These are the best examples of villain monologues I could think of. Method? Only fools abandon hope after just four failures. This is the scene that won her the Oscar. I said Hey, maybe try looking at me, sending loving wishes to me instead of a potato? He agreed to try it, we sat down, I sat in front of him. All for a child's ambition. I took a stab at it and created this: Villain Monologue Builder. There are numberless millions who have perished on this world. He got off easy a day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity. Try and avoid the Scooby Doo style monologue at the end, where a . HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR! Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. And he will say, "I have something to show you, children of the earth. How to Make Money as a Cinematographer is a new in-depth online course from No Film School, available now. Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves and their $50 Balducci artichoke. And with them, I shall become the hidden ruler of all I survey. An inexplicable set of footprints in the sand. A neighboring kingdom sent a trade delegation to visit when I was a boy. What do we do now? When I first came to this country, Starrett, you weren't no bigger than your boy is now. So imagine what I will do to those who dare oppose me! It gave her room to deliver a performance that showed us who the "villain" of this story really could be. The Abomination. Cause of Death:Deboned by a deranged chef, 9. What if finding spectacular monologues was as easy as rubbing a magic lamp? The king wanted peace and prosperity, but he had slighted my father once. So they had to be taken. He gives man instincts. 5. Then we fired the city so that no structures remained. My father was unjustly accused of treachery. Random Dialogue Generator "I'm supposed to be the one protecting you." generate This generator is to help provide roleplayers and writers in general with ideas to kick-start scenes and storylines. The idea is to sow maximum fear in the people of. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. Blog Featured Monologues Monologue Lists . I invited you to share the dreams of a . That goes for the protagonist and the antagonist. the Saudi merger is said to be extremely essential for the network's survival but Beale's . A place by the river, the lights on the water at night. Magnanimous in victory? In a campaign some years back, my forces were opposed by a group of highwaymen and brigands terrorists that called themselves the Green Hand. Thrice! How to Create an Evil Villain For a Story. And while youre at it, fuck J.C. An evil villain monologue is a long speech by the antagonist in a scene, film, or TV show. It could be revealing motivations, a dastardly plan, or even just . Ill go ahead and be embarrassed for you. He gives man instincts. 2 Minute 26 Year Old Bar Mitzvah Boy Monologue, 2 Minute Ate the Divorce Papers Monologue, 2 Minute Breaking Up with Brandon Monologue, 2 Minute Honey I'm a Leprechaun Monologue, The Roadrunner Never Looks Down Monologue, Most Frightening Wonderful Thing Monologue.
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